Privacy Policy

Information on the handling of web site users’ personal information. Articles 13 and 15 of Regulation 2016/679/EU (hereafter also indicated as «GDPR»)

Pursuant to article 13 of Legislative Decree No. 196/2003 “Code relating to the protection of personal information” – and EU Regulation 679/2016 applicable from 25 May 2018 – General Data Protection Regulation («GDPR») (in the following the Privacy Code and  GDPR are indicated collectively as «Applicable Regulations»), Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche intends to describe the manner in which the site is managed as regards handling of the personal data of users consulting it. Handling is always carried out based on principles of legality and good practice and in compliance with all regulations in force, and suitable safety measures are adopted to protect the data. 
This information is provided solely for the Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche website and does not include any other websites that may be consulted by the user via links. Said sites are independent data handlers and reference must therefore be made to their own sites.

For that purpose, Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche informs you as follows:

A – Purpose of data handling

Your data will be handled for the following purposes:

Your personal data (e-mail address, name, surname, telephone number, company, city, province, post code, state) will be used, subject to your explicit consent, to send e-mails containing advertising material, information, promotions, including those of a commercial nature, newsletters of interest to you relating to consulting services provided by Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche, and any other information relating to the area in which Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche works.

B – Compulsory/optional nature of the data collection and consequences of not providing information

Consent to handling of personal data for the purposes indicated under letter A above is optional, and refusal to do so means that Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche will not be allowed to send you any communications.

In any event, the CUSTOMER may refuse to authorise handling of data in this way at any time, simply by sending Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche a request in this sense by e-mail or ordinary mail, as indicated under letter G below.

C – Handling methods

The personal data will be handled using the following methods:

  • recording and processing on paper support;
  • recording and processing on magnetic support.

The data will be handled by associates and employees of Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche who are designated «Data handlers» and have received suitable instructions on how to operate.

D – Data communication

For the purposes indicated under letter A above:

– the personal data may only be handled by persons within the Company, acting as Data handlers, if this is necessary to carry out their jobs, performing only those operations necessary to carry out those jobs.

– For the purposes indicated above, the personal data of users/customers may be communicated by the Company and handled, both in Italy and abroad, by third parties with whom we have relations, when these third parties are providing services on our request. We will only provide these third parties with the information necessary for them to provide the services required, taking all measures to safeguard your personal data. For marketing purposes, we may also make personal data known to our commercial service providers, who are designated external data handlers for that purpose. Furthermore, personal data may be communicated to the competent public bodies and authorities in order to fulfil regulatory requirements or ascertain responsibility in the event of information technology crimes against the site, and communicated to, or stored with, third parties (acting as data handlers or, in the case of suppliers of electronic communication services, independent data controllers), who provide electronic or telematic services (e.g.: hosting services, web site management and development services) used by the company to carry out technical and organisational activities instrumental to operation of the website. The individuals in the categories indicated above operate as distinct Data Controllers or as Data Processors specifically nominated for that purpose by the Company.

The categories of recipient to whom the data may be communicated are available by contacting the Company using the contact details indicated below.

E – Data storage period

The personal data collected for the purposes of this information sheet will be stored until the consent provided as indicated under letter B is revoked, unless that information is also subject to handling by the same Data Controller for other purposes. In any case, when consent is revoked the data will no longer be used for the purposes described under letter B.

Further information on the Personal Data storage period and the criteria used to determine that period may be requested in writing from the address indicated below, or by sending an e-mail to

Specific safety measures are in place to prevent loss, illegal or improper use of the data and unauthorised access.

F – Type of data handled

Browsing data:

During normal use, the electronic systems and software procedures used to operate this website acquire certain personal data, the transmission of which is implicit when using Internet communication protocols.

This information is not collected in order to be associated with specific interested parties, but by its nature it might, through processing and association with data held by third parties, allow identification of the users.

This category of data includes IP addresses or domain names of the computers used by users connecting to the site, URI (Uniform Resource Identifier) addresses for the resources requested, the time of the request, the method used to subject the request to the server, the size of the response file, the numerical code indicating the response status given by the server (completed, error, etc.) and other parameters relating to the user’s operating system and information technology environment.

This data is only used to obtain anonymous statistical information on use of the site and to check that it is operating correctly, and is deleted immediately after processing.

Data supplied voluntarily by the user:

Optional, explicit and voluntary supply of user details and e-mail address to the addresses indicated on this site will result in subsequent acquisition of that data, necessary to respond to requests, and any other personal data contained in the letter itself.

The Customer’s personal data is required for the purposes indicated under point A above and to manage customer requests.

G – Rights of the interested parties

Within the limits of Applicable Regulations, you are entitled, at any time, to request access to your data, confirmation on whether or not it exists and information on the contents and origin, to check its exactness or request the addition or updating or rectification of that data, or to obtain the data relating to you in concise, intelligible form, that uses clear and plain language and can be read using an automatic device (article 7 of the Personal data protection code and article 12 of EU Regulation 2016/679).

Pursuant to the above articles you are entitled to request the cancellation, transformation into anonymous form or blocking of data that is handled in violation of the law, and in any event to oppose, for legitimate reasons, the handling thereof.

The individuals to whom the personal data refers are entitled to obtain information at any time.

Requests should be sent to the following e-mail address:

Pursuant to the Applicable Regulations, you are in any case entitled to complain to the competent control authority (Personal Data Protection Ombudsman) should you consider that your Personal Data has been handled in a way that is against current regulations.

H – Data Controller

The Data Controller is Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche, with registered offices in Via Follani, 120/A, 66034 – Lanciano (CH) ITALY – VAT Reg. No. IT00152650693

I – Changes

The Data Controller reserves the right to modify or simply update the contents of this information sheet, either fully or in part, also as a result of changes to the Applicable Regulations. The Data Controller therefore invites you to visit this section regularly, to see the most recent and up-to-date version and keep yourself informed of the data collected and the use that Fedele Mario Costruzioni Meccaniche makes of it; these changes become binding as soon as they are published on the Site.

Latest changes: 25 May 2018